Over the past few months, we have been talking to many clients feeling a great deal of anxiety about how to deal with the job market uncertainty that we are currently facing. Many have been stood down indefinitely or lost their jobs and are not sure how to start searching for a new role. Others from affected industries such as events, tourism, sport and entertainment are looking for guidance in identifying their transferable skills so that they can pivot into new industries.
As per my last blog post, the reality is that the job market has experienced a huge transformation and things are unlikely to return to what we classify as ‘normal’ in the foreseeable future. Most people have been affected in some way, and even those who haven’t are generally feeling uneasy about the future.
Recently I had the opportunity to join SEEK’s Resident Psychologist Sabina Read and Host Kyran Wheatley in a SEEK Facebook Live where we discussed the following:
- How to deal with the anxiety of the unknown
- What to do if you are stuck in a career rut; and
- How to identify and articulate your transferable skills when changing career
This LIVE also includes a market update with some interesting insights into how the market has been affected since the beginning of Covid-19.
We certainly don’t have all the answers, but if you are keen to take a listen, click on the link below.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me at leah@relaunchme.com.au
Relaunch Me has offices in Malvern and Essendon, Melbourne VIC and Brookvale, Sydney NSW. We also offer consultations via Zoom to all our interstate, rural and overseas clients. Get in contact via the Contact page to organise a clarity call with one of our coaches.