Podcast Episode #34 Big 4 Management Consultant to ‘Travis’ Start-up Founder, with Nicole Tj

Episode 27

In this interview, Leah interviews the very versatile and dynamic Nicole Tj, who with her co-founder Thomas Lo, has founded a new start-up Travis – described as the  ‘Pinterest of travel apps’ by allowing users to save travel inspiration mood boards, plan trips and create user-generated travel guides.

Currently, in seed stage, Travis claims to be the first social media platform to let users share travel-specific content to create real-world itineraries.

In this interview, Leah and Nicole discussed the following:

  • How Nicole chose first degree after school
  • Nicole and Thomas’ first startup project, Project Anon
  • Nicole’s experience working as a Management Consultant at Deloitte Digital 
  • How Nicole and her partner Thomas first identified an opportunity to start Travis
  • What Travis is all about, and how you can use it to plan your next holiday
  • What does ‘seed stage’ actually mean in start-up land
  • What transferable skills has she used from her time working at Deloitte
  • Networking opportunities for start-up founders
  • What it takes to found a start-up 
  • What advice Nicole has for others thinking about starting their own start-up or joining a start-up

Nicole holds a Master of Management (Marketing) and Bachelor of Music (Honours) from the University of Melbourne.

Here’s the special link that Nicole has provided to our first 30 listeners who want to sign up for a ‘same day’ beta invite to try out Travis!

Other resources mentioned in the interview:

Lady StartUp Facebook Group – https://www.facebook.com/ladystartups/
Skalata Ventures Seed Investment Program – https://www.skalata.co
How I Built This with Guy Raz podcast – https://www.npr.org/podcasts/510313/how-i-built-this