Podcast Episode #24 Your career questions answered with Leah Lambart and Emily Manley


In this episode, I was joined by my colleague Emily Manley, Career & Interview Coach from Relaunch Me, to answer some questions that we have received from listeners and clients over the past few weeks.  

Here are the topics that we covered in this episode:

  • I have lost my job and am worried that I won’t find another job in my field as it has been greatly affected since Covid-19 . Should I go back and study?
  • I don’t feel that I am well suited to my current job.  How do I work out what I am passionate about?
  •  I hate my job but I feel like I should be grateful to have a job.  I feel sick about having to stick it out here. I know that this is not where I should be? (We can weave in the ’status hrs heart’ stuff here)
  • I don’t feel that I fit into my current workplace.  I have been so much happier working from home and am dreading the day when things return to normal.  What should I do?
  • I am really struggling managing staff whilst working remotely.  Any tips?
  • I am quite a private person do I really need a LinkedIn Profile?
  • I had been on a career break for a year after having my 2nd child before Covid hit. I was planning to start looking in June but now I am homeschooling kids and don’t even have time to look. I feel that recruiters won’t even look at me with such a huge gap on my resume. Help!

 If you have any questions, that we can answer for you on a future episode, please email them through to me at leah@relaunchme.com.au

If you are interested in finding out more about what we do, check out our website at www.relaunchme.com.au

Thanks for listening.